The main purpose of this course/playlist is to introduce you into the IT world. Specifically, this course covers backend development using Java! It will help you to become Java backend developer. Playlist link is at the end of the post!

Why backend, why Java?

First question “why backend” is actually the question for you. If you want to develop video games then backend and Java are not for you. You should google for “game development” and you will figure out that Unity is much better place to start.
On the other hand if you are a visual type of person, you may want to consider frontend. Frontend guys are developing a look for the applications and websites. They are arranging elements on the page, managing colors, etc. If you are interested in machine learning or AI, you want to consider Python, etc.

What is the job of the backend developer

In simple words, the job is to create some logic to process the data and make sure that the data is saved properly. Wow, what a booring job! Yes, I know, I thought it’s boooooring when I first heard of it. But i like it now. Your job will be to create a software that calculates insurance money that is paid to the insurance clients, software that is used by tourist agencies to manage their bookings so they know how many reservations they sold in this year and how much they earned in winter vs summer season, etc. If you are lucky to work in the finance industry maybe you can try to round paychecks to whole numbers and transfer those remaining pennies to your account like in the legendary office space movie! Just make sure that those changes are not commited under your name! 🙂

How to choose programming language?

If you choose backend, next choice to be made is programming language. You can choose PHP, Node.js, Java, etc. If we take a look at this survey(which is the most relevant yearly survey among developers), you can see that Java is the most popular pure backend programming language. Sure, you can create backend in Javascript(using Node.js) and there are Python backend developers(but many ML and AI guys are using Python for their work so they are included in Python numbers) Java is the first programming language that is only for backend. Since Java is popular that means that it will be easier for you to land a job and community online is very big so you can find answers to your questions much more easily.
Anyway, don’t worry too much about language choice! It’s important to learn the logic and core ideas. Specific programming language is not that important(although it’s important)!

What is the syllabus of this course?

The purpose of this course is to teach you all important things that you need to know as a begginer. it’s NOT only Java but also we will learn other frameworks, tools and principles that are must have for backend developers. Let me just list the things that will be present in this course:

  • Java
  • Spring
  • JPA / Hibernate
  • Gradle
  • GIT
  • SQL
  • Postman
  • Swagger
  • API / REST
  • Design patterns
  • Threading basics
  • Testing

The last important thing to say is that we will not only learn to create something that works. It’s not only important to write some code that works, but it is very important to understand why that works and why in that exact form and manner. Also, I will try to point to the common mistakes. Hopefully at the end of this playlist you will become a Java backend developer. Happy learning!

Here is the link to the playlist